Sunday, August 27, 2006
To Realize
1號戀人的愛情是很濃烈的,平淡、細水長流的愛情不怎麼能引起1號戀人 的興趣,1號戀人也不喜歡自我折磨、壓抑的戀情方式。對1號戀人來說,愛情就是應該 正大光明、且充滿喜悅與希望的,尤其你相當重視愛情的「相互性」,認為唯有雙方都 能彼此吸引,才能夠成愛情的基本條件,1號戀人並不會苦苦追求心儀的對象,也甚少 出現「死纏爛打」的狀況。1號戀人和情人之間的互動就像一場狩獵遊戲,不論是獵捕對方,或是讓 對方獵捕,1號戀人時時不斷在追求一種「征服」的刺激感。1號戀人期望與愛人能時時產生火花,時時確認雙方在這段感情中的重要性 ;這樣的1號戀人,當然也特別重視另一半的忠誠度囉!
失戀癥結點: 小心你的主觀意識太強,時時要以你的意見為優先,伴侶可是會受不了的 !
每月1日出生的1號戀人:特別喜歡主導情勢,戀愛對象要夠優秀、夠特別 才能夠吸引他。
每月10日出生的1號戀人:很清楚自己要的是什麼!猜來猜去的曖昧遊戲 會讓他/她喪失耐性。
每月19日出生的1號戀人:性格特別神秘、低調,別有一番吸引力;可與 愛人打得非常火熱,但也需要獨處的時間。
每月28日出生的1號戀人:最為合群、溫柔的1號戀人,但若在金錢、事業 上沒有保障的話,可是無法專心談感情的。
◎ 2號戀人:每月2日、11日、20日、29日出生者◎
2號戀人是最容易進入戀愛的狀況的戀人,不論是實際的或是想像的,2號 戀人的羅曼史可是幾乎從不間斷的!基本上2號戀人無法忍受寂寞攻勢打動,甚至從不 懂得明確地說不。2號戀人喜歡與伴侶有形影不離的關係,也很喜和孤單,不僅很容易 被追求的歡彼此之間親密的舉動,是標準「甜膩型」的戀人,也特別容易受溫柔、體貼 的對象吸引。甜言蜜語和肢體的觸碰,在2號戀人的戀情裡是不可缺少的!2號戀人非常 禁不起摩擦和爭吵,所有不和協、不柔和的狀態對2號戀人來說,都是一種莫大 的壓 力。但是2號戀人很容易心軟,也堪稱復合率最高的數字,2號戀人很難拒絕他人的柔情 攻勢,往往禁不起戀人的苦苦哀求,又重新回到曾經傷害自己的人身邊。
失戀癥結點: 2號戀人甜起來很甜,黏起來卻也很黏!「甜蜜的負荷」最適合形容2號戀 人,小心讓戀人喘不過氣而逃之夭夭!
每月2日出生的2號戀人:不會令人猛然驚艷,但相處起來後勁卻很強!脾 氣好到讓人不忍拒絕。
每月11日出生的2號戀人:外表冷靜溫和,內心卻極度熱情,這種時動時 靜的特 質,特別引人玩味。
每月20日出生的2號戀人:不會去搶人群中的鋒頭,但天生具備一股令人 注意的魅力,人們就是會記住20日的戀人!
每月29日出生的2號戀人:最懂得掌控「需要」與「被需要」之間的權力 關係,戀人特別會心甘情願跟隨29日的戀人!
◎ 3號戀人! :每月3日、12日、21日、30日出生者◎
3號戀人是屬於活在當下的戀人,不實際的事物,很難讓他們發生幻想, 因此需要很直接的、感官的吸引,像是姣好的面孔、飄逸的長髮、容易吸引3號戀人, 這種特質讓3號戀人順利榮登外貌協會第一號會員!玲瓏的曲線、厚實的胸膛…都特別。基本上3號戀人不太喜歡用理智的態度來面對愛情,認為愛情最重要的就 是「感覺」;因此,3號戀人很喜歡和對象搞點小把戲,沉浸在一片愛情的美好氣氛裡 ,正是愛情的最大意義。因此,當感情出現問題,或是悲傷、憤怒…等負面的情緒時, 都需要動腦來解決,這正是最令3號戀人最反感的部分,也是最不耐的部份。很有趣的 一點是,3號戀人看起來總較同年齡的人年輕,其實活潑的性態度正是3號戀人保持青 春、活力的主因之一喔!
失戀癥結點: 當心啊,美麗的、刺激的事物是如此容易吸引你的目光,你的一顆心也就 暫時跟著飛了,戀人們可不能常常飽受這種恐懼呀!
每月3日出生的3號戀人:好玩、活動力強、熱愛生命,戀人最好懂得與他 一起在社交、遊樂世界裡翩翩起舞。
每月12日出生的3號戀人:既懂得掌握自己的原則,又能同時滿足他人 ,這一型的戀人是個人風格明顯的個體,讓人的目光難以轉移。
每月21日出生的3號戀人:豁達、樂觀的生活態度,不自覺地就感染他人 ,讓人在不覺中,就已經對這種感覺上癮。
每月30日出生的3號戀人:看起來是這麼地活潑靈動,內涵卻又有深度得 很,令人喜歡與他為伍,又喜歡向他看齊。
◎ 4號戀人:每月4日、13日、 22日、31日出生者◎
對4號戀人來說,安全感永遠是第一考量,不過,第二、第三、第四考量 恐怕還是安全感。4號戀人對愛情的觀念很傳統,會以相當認真的態度去面對和經營愛 情。要4 號戀人主動出擊…,嘿嘿,他們可不輕易打沒有把握的仗;不過,當有人對4 號戀人主動表示好感的時候,4號戀人往往會以最快的速度跳入陷阱。只不過,4號戀人 還是很堅持原則的,再怎麼愛、再怎麼盲目,若對方不能達到4號戀人最基本的要求─ 也就是對方不能獨屬你一人時,4號戀人最終還是會從短暫的盲目中清醒,脫離這段沒 有結果的關係。4號戀人特別需要安全感,所以也特別需要了解和掌握戀人的一切。4號戀人一向是看準了、了解了、做好準備了…才會付出行動;因此,4號戀人的對象往往是 從身邊的朋友下手,從一般的關係開始萌生愛情的嫩芽。
失戀癥結點: 沒有足夠的安全感時,4號戀人會比其他數字來得焦慮難安!因此,4號戀人特別需要掌握情人的行蹤,這種舉動會讓許多情人受不了。
每月4日出生的4號戀人:最理想的賢妻良母、好丈夫類型,生活的細節靠 他準不會出錯。
每月13日出生的4號戀人:13日的戀人很討厭落單,偏偏他們也真有本事 ,就是讓你心甘情願跟他東奔西走的。
每月22日出生的4號戀人:直覺既強又準的戀人,對於他們的原則,你還 是跟著照辦為妙吧!
每月31日出生的4號戀人:外表規矩、內心狂放,表裡落差最大的戀人, 越深入了解越有挑戰性!
◎ 5號戀人:每月5日、14日、23日出生者◎
對5號戀人來說,愛情和日常生活並沒有太大的不同,「新鮮感」永遠是5 號人生活中的最高指導原則,因此,5號人從不是一個專心的戀人,5號戀人無法只把愛 情或是伴侶放在第一位。在這種前提之下,「短而有力」的愛情火花特別吸引5號戀人 ,而那些頭腦聰明、有特殊才能的對象也讓你感到深具挑戰性。比起戀人,5號戀人更 像是稱職的玩伴,總是有滿滿的精力等著去探索世上更多有趣的事情,如果情人給5號 戀人太多的束縛和限制,可是會讓5號戀人想要逃開!不過相對的,5號戀人也很公平, 他們能給予伴侶很大的空間,因為,深知自由有多可貴的,當然非5號戀人莫屬啦!
失戀癥結點: 5號戀人的生活都特別隨性、靈活,伴侶很難掌握你的行蹤和你的心!如 果遇上特別需要安全感的伴侶,兩方可有得考驗啦!
每月5日出生的5號戀人:好奇心極強的生活玩家,有這樣的情人,再平常 的生活小事,都會變得樂趣十足!
每月14日出生的5號戀人:14日出生的戀人既乾脆又直接,不矯作的作風 ,很容易獲得同性和異性的欣賞。
◎ 6號戀人:每月6日、15日、 24日出生者◎
6號戀人是標準甜膩型的戀人,很懂得藉由身邊的事物傳達情感,也能說 出一口漂漂亮亮的情話,對於心中的感覺,6號戀人從來無法壓抑或等候,一定要充分 表現出來。對6號戀人來說,愛不能光說不練,要付諸實際行動才算,因此,在人群中 很容易找出6號戀人的情人,兩人的動作、話語可是相當親暱的。6號戀人不僅懂得為伴 侶營造浪漫的氣氛,自己本身也很容易被浪漫的情境打動,6號戀人很容易對一首小 詩、一段歌詞或是一句名言產生感覺,也很容易被一個強烈的眼神所征服。基本上6號 戀人需要和伴侶維持緊密的關係,你無法忍受分隔兩地或是行徑太過獨立的戀人,因此 ,6號戀人需要對伴侶透徹的了解,最好能全盤掌握他的伴侶。
失戀癥結點: 太膩愛自己的情人,反而讓情人喘不過氣!什麼都想為情人打點、準備,對方反而會覺得在跟自己的老爸老媽談戀愛哩!
每月6日出生的6號戀人:6日出生的人是最懂得濃情密意的戀人!想要挑 戰的人,可得先做好一點心理準備,他們強烈的愛意可不是那麼容易招架的。
每月15日出生的6號戀人:認真的男人/女人最美麗,15日出生的戀人對家 庭 和正義熱情專注的模樣,足以讓人深深吸引。
每月24日出生的6號戀人:完美主義型的戀人,就連他本人,都完美得難 以挑剔。
◎ 7號戀人:每月7日、16日、25日出生者◎
7號戀人的神秘感,讓他們有一種說不上來的性感和魅力。7號戀人可說是 天生的戀人,認為戀愛關係必須具備性原始的吸引力。7號戀人擁有非常豐富的想像力 ,在7號戀人的愛情裡,幻想的成分要比其他戀人大得多哩!因此,在戀愛關係中,7號 戀人也盡量避免正面表露或接受愛意,他們喜歡且擅長用暗示、蛇行的方式前進,因為 太 直接的方式只能有一種意義 ─就是字面上的意義,如此一來,7號戀人賴以維生的 想像的空間便會消失殆盡。7號戀人就像是「天生的孤獨者」,通常7號的戀人喜歡自己 和自己作伴,喜歡自己決定、安排生活,在戀人關係中也比較以自我為考量。所以呢, 7號戀人也叫做「part time lover」,兼職的情人,他們無法全天候待命,很需要自我 的空間。若和7號戀人感情想要走得長久,對方必須要能夠給予很大的空間和距離。
失戀癥結點: 過於敏感的7號戀人,為了避免無謂的衝突,常常選擇以一種不在乎、冷 漠的態度面對事物,卻也常常造成伴侶的誤解和傷害。
你是哪種7! 號戀人?
每月7日出生的7號戀人:7日出生的戀人喜歡獨來獨往,偏偏看似無人可 親近,越讓他們的身價上揚!
每月16日出生的7號戀人:16日出生的戀人,天生擁有一股高貴又冷靜的 氣質,他越是保持距離,就讓人越想一探究竟!
每月25日出生的7號戀人:25日出生的戀人觀察力、理解力一流,讓人覺 得與他們心意相通。
◎ 8號戀人:每月8日、17日、26日出生者◎
8這個數字天生就擁有強大的能量,在8號戀人身上,也有一股足以蠱惑人 般的魅力,這股飽含能量的氣質讓! 8號戀人的魅力渾然天成,宛如天生的愛情操盤 手。掌控的權力關係對8號人來說是很值得玩味的遊戲,和戀人之間,8號人就相當熱衷 於這樣的角力遊戲,尤其喜歡彼此受對方強烈的吸引,我們形容8號戀人可以用一支小 指頭駕馭他的戀人,而且對方還樂於被他指使,8號戀人就是有這樣的能耐,婉如愛情 中高高在上的王者,不容侵犯。這樣王者般的戀人其實希望戀人的目光永遠只在自己身 上,但王者的尊嚴又不允許8號戀人在情感上認輸,因此,8號戀人從不喜歡刻意展示自 己和情感,可是不論他們看起來多麼冷靜、無情,其實心底還是很嚮往熱情,尤其對執 著的戀情渴望得很。
失戀癥結點: 8號戀人通常愛得重、恨得也重,另一半必須心臟夠強,能夠擔負得起才行。
每月8日出生的8號戀人:8 日出生的戀人有魔力般的魅力,但是想要掌控 他們卻是難上加難,倒不如自己投降來得快些。
每月17日出生的8號戀人:17日出生的,是最冷靜、理智的戀人,往往感 情反而得要靠著理性,維持得比誰都長。
每月26日出生的8號戀人:看似柔情似水,卻是無比堅毅的戀人,軟硬兼 施的高明手段,在情路上相遇可是加倍的刺激過癮哩!
◎ 9號戀人:每月9日、18日、27日出生者! ◎
9號戀人是「天生的付出者」,天生樂意去取悅他人,只要對方可以接收 得到、能夠感到快樂,這就是9號戀人最大的回報。不過,9號戀人雖然不公開表示,但 在內心裡,對於同等的關愛和回報,也是很渴望的。9號人天生樂觀、幽默,但9號戀人 看似擁有開放的心態,實際上在愛情上還是屬於比較保守的一派。基本上9號戀人很重 視「正式」的關係,偷偷摸摸的、或是「地下情人」這種身分,9號戀人都無法忍受, 很快就會結束這種關係。此外,9號>戀人對伴侶的要求很高,希望對方有專業能力、才 華、魅力…,基本上他人肯定、稱讚自己的伴侶,對9號戀人就像是情話般動聽。
失戀癥結點: 真不知道9號戀人是要一個崇拜對象呢?還是一個戀人?有時過度在意對 方的條件、背景,反而會讓感情變得很現實。
每月9日出生的9號戀人:心態開放,對每件事物都抱著強烈的興趣,有他 ,生命讓人覺得更精彩,是個很好的玩伴和生活伴侶。
每月27日出生的9號戀人:極度銳利的理性和感性,讓27日出生的戀人成 為一種奇妙的綜合體,讓人不禁想要弄清楚,自己到底在不在他的腦袋瓜子裡?
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Things are not always what they seem
Two travelling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion's guestroom. Instead the angels were given a small space in the cold basement. As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied, "Things aren't always what they seem."
The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife. After sharing what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good night's rest. When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field? The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel how could you have let this happen? The first man had everything, yet you helped him, she accused. The second family had little but was willing to share everything, and you let the cow die.
"Things aren't always what they seem," the older angel replied. "When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he wouldn find it."
"Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow instead. Things aren't always what they seem."
Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things don't turn out the way they should. If you have faith, you just need to trust that every outcome is always to your advantage. You might not know it until some time later...
Some people come into our lives and quickly go...
Some people become friends and stay awhile...
leaving beautiful footprints on our hearts...
and we are never quite the same because we have made a good friend!!
Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow a mystery.
Today is a gift.That's why it's called the present!
I think this life is and savour every moment...
This is not a dress rehearsal!
Don’t let go of Hope.
Hope gives you the strength to keep going.
When you feel like giving up.
Don’t ever quit believing in Yourself.
As long as you believe you Can,
You will have reason for Trying.
Don’t let anyone hold your Happiness in their Hands;
Hold it in yours, so it will always be
within your Reach.
Don’t measure success or failure by material wealth,
But by how you Feel;
Our feelings determine the richness of our Lives.
Don’t let bad moments overcome You;
Be patient, and they will pass.
Don’t hesitate to reach out for Help;
We all need it from time to time.
Don’t run away from love but towards Love.
Because it is your deepest Joy.
Don’t wait for what you want to come to You.
Go after it with all that You Are,
Knowing that Life will meet you Halfway.
Don’t feel like you’ve lost,
When plans and dreams fall short of your hopes.
About Yourself or about Life,
You have progressed.
From your Self-Respect.
Feeling good about Yourself
Is essential to feeling good about Life.
Don’t ever forget how to Laugh
Or be too proud to Cry.
Or too stubborn to Smile.
Don’t ever forget a friend who truly loves You
As it could be that friend who is true to your Needs
Grow as your need for more seeds may often re-appear
Did I marry the right person?
Those who are still single may learn something from here....
Those who are married... how true is this? May take it as a guide??
During one of our seminars, a woman asked a common question.
She said, "How do I know if I married the right person?"
I noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so I said,"
It depends. Is that your husband?"
In all seriousness, she answered "How do you know?"
Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it's weighing on your mind.
Here's the answer.
EVERY relationship has a cycle.
In the beginning, you fell in love with your spouse.
You anticipated their call, wanted their touch, and liked their idiosyncrasies.
Falling in love with your spouse wasn't hard.
In fact, it was a completely natural and spontaneous experience.
You didn't have to DO anything.
That's why it's called "falling" in love...
Because it's happening TO YOU.
People in love sometimes say, "I was swept of my feet."
Think about the imaginary of that expression.
It implies that you were just standing there; doing nothing, and then something
came along and happened TO YOU.
Falling is love is easy. It's a passive and spontaneous experience.
But after a few years of marriage, the euphoria of love fades.
It's the natural cycle of EVERY relationship.
Slowly but surely, phone calls become a bother (if they come at all),
touch is not always welcome (when it happens), and your spouse's
idiosyncrasies, instead of being cute,drive you nuts.
The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship, but if you
think about your marriage, you will notice a dramatic difference between
the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or even angry
subsequent stage.
At this point, you and/or your spouse might start asking,
"Did I marry the right person?" And as you and your spouse reflect
on the euphoria of the love you once had, you may begin to desire
that experience with someone else. This is when marriages breakdown.
People blame their spouse for their unhappiness and look outside
their marriage forfulfillment.
Extramarital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes. Infidelity is the
most obvious. But sometimes people turn to work,a hobby, a friendship,
excessive TV, or abusive substances.
But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your marriage.
It lies within it.
I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else. You could.
And you'd feel better TEMPORARILY . But you'd be in the same situation
a few years later.
SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience.
It'll NEVER just happen to you. You can't "find" LASTING love.
You have to "make" it day in and day out. That's why we have the
expression "the labor of love."
Because it takes time, effort, and energy. And most importantly,
it takes WISDOM. You have to know WHAT TO DO to make your
marriage work.
Make no mistake about it. Love is NOT a mystery.
There are specific things you can do (with or without your spouse)
to succeed with your marriage.
Just as there are physical laws of the universe (such as gravity),
there are also laws for relationships. Just as the right diet and exercise
program makes you physically stronger, certain habits in your relationship
WILL make your marriage stronger. It's a direct cause and effect.
If you know and apply the laws, the results are can "make" love.
Love in marriage is indeed a "decision"... Not just a feeling.